Applicant name standardisation - Global Mapping Table (GMT)

The IP5 Offices have been working closely together on the realization of the “Global Dossier”, a service which provides seamless access to electronic dossier information for IP5 family applications.

Applicant name standardisation is one of the five Global Dossier priorities. This KIPO-led initiative aims at establishing a Global Mapping Table including applicants' names and addresses in the respective languages of the IP5 regions, in order to encourage applicants to use uniform applicants’ names and prevent miss-spelling by applicants and attorneys when filing patents for a given company or entity at the IP5 Offices.

The Global Mapping Table below is the result of a first contribution by industry representatives of the IP5 regions (IP5 Industry). As further contributions from IP5 Industry will be used to populate this table, it will become a meaningful instrument for enhancing patent searches and patent portfolio management. In addition, further discussions are foreseen between the IP5 Offices and IP5 Industry to define how such tables could be improved.

Download the Global Mapping Table (GMT) v1_2019

While this mapping table aims at providing a quick overview of correct spellings of applicants’ names and addresses as submitted to the IP5 Offices at the time of the data contribution its content may not be considered or construed as legally binding in any way. The data presented has been provided voluntarily by representatives of IP5 Industry. The IP5 Offices do not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or fitness for specific purposes of the data presented.