Seventh IP5 Global Dossier Task Force meeting, March 2021, Virtual

On 10 and 11 March 2021, KIPO hosted the seventh Global Dossier Task Force (GDTF) meeting, the first one in virtual format. Discussions focussed on feedback from IP5 Industry on current Global Dossier services, the prioritisation of the five Global Dossier tasks and utilization of NET/AI technologies. 


The topics and presentations discussed at the seventh meeting of the GDTF included: 

 OPD system development and evaluation

 Updates on GD 5 Priorities and future actions

 Update of IP5 NET/AI status

* The presentation reflects the status of work in March 2021; work on an IP5 NET/AI roadmap is ongoing and a final version of the roadmap is expected to be published after the endorsement by the IP5 Heads of Office.