The IP5 Offices collate and publish their patent statistics in this comprehensive report. It gives a description of worldwide patenting activities, explains operations at the IP5 Offices and informs about patent grant procedures. The IP5 statistics reports supplement annual reports for each of the IP5 Offices.
Key IP5 statistical indicators 2023
The full IP5 Statistics Report with 2023 data will appear in the last quarter of 2024. However, some preliminary data showing overall trends in 2023 at the IP5 level are available in the infographic below.

Key IP5 statistical indicators 2023 (PDF)
Table 1: patent applications at the IP5 Offices in 2023 compared to 2022 (XLS)
Table 2: granted patents at the IP5 Offices in 2023 compared to 2022 (XLS, 13 KB)
IP5 statistical data resources
Statistical data sheets are provided for: numbers of filings, grants broken down by IPC codes, fees and economic information relevant to filings.