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26.3.2021 - The seventh Global Dossier Task Force (GDTF) meeting took place virtually on 10 and 11 March 2021. Discussions focussed on feedback from IP5 Industry on current Global Dossier services, the prioritisation of the five Global Dossier tasks and utilization of NET/AI technologies.
21.7.2020 - Meeting via video conference on 25 and 26 February 2021, the IP5 Industry Consultation Group (ICG) discussed a variety of issues including the future work of the IP5 Patent Harmonization Expert Panel (PHEP), unity of invention at the PCT level, the IP5 NET/AI Task Force, measures taken by the IP5 Offices that users consider beneficial and the IP5 website.
12.3.2021 - Representatives of the IP5 Offices and WIPO got together via video conference for the second meeting of their joint task force on new emerging technologies (NET) and artificial intelligence (AI) from 3-5 March 2021.
21.7.2020 - Meeting via video conference today for the first time, the IP5 Heads of Office agreed to continue to strengthen their co-operation in the area of intellectual property (IP), including tackling challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and providing better services for users and the public.
4.5.2020 - The IP5 Offices have published their preliminary statistical indicators for 2019, showing overall trends at the IP5 level.
21.1.2020 - The IP5 events calendar has been updated.
17.1.2020 - Representatives of the IP5 Offices and WIPO gathered at the inaugural meeting of their joint task force on new emerging technologies (NET) and artificial intelligence (AI) in Berlin on 15 and 16 January 2020. The IP5 NET/AI task force took stock of existing NET and AI-related projects at the various IP5 working groups and at the individual offices and discussed possible areas for IP5 co-operation.
30.10.2019 - Following the successful conclusion of the IP5 Patent Harmonization Expert Panel (PHEP) agenda, the IP5 Offices have updated the relevant section of the IP5 website.
25.7.2019 - The IP5 Offices have published a summary report of the IP5 expert round table discussion on artificial intelligence held in Munich on 31 October 2018.
26.6.2019 - The IP5 Heads of Office met with representatives of industry from the IP5 regions in Incheon, Korea on 12 June 2019. Presentations of the meeting are now available on the fiveIPoffices' website.